If you are an AngularJs developer, a company offering Angular solutions or planning to build a website using AngularJs, you would possibly be wondering about the right tools for Angular development. Just to make your work and investigation little simpler, here in this post, we have compiled a brief list of the best AngularJs development tools for developers that they can use in 2025.
1. Tools for Coding
When you want to code in Angular, you are flooded with a number of bugs that might accidentally get into it. This is quite normal in all types of development processes. To ward off this situation, you must have an elite content manager tool to keep all the codes and related data in the right manner. Let’s start with the first step of AngularJs Developer Tools that is coding.
Aptana Studio is an open-source Integrated Development Environment that is admired and widely used by almost all prominent developers for creating and coding websites. The most updated version is Aptana Studio 3, which has recently been released. This is a seamless environment to create, edit, preview, and debug the websites. It is focused on JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and other web languages.
Sublime Text
This is yet another proprietary cross-platform source code editor for markup, prose, and coding purpose. With a Python application-programming interface, it offers you a split screen editing support where you can edit the files side by side or can also edit two locations in the single file. You can also get a customizable code snippet support for Angular side by.
This is also a powerful and high-end Angular development tool for the coding purpose. Developed by JetBrains as an IDE, this tool has an inbuilt Dart plugin that is a special feature of this tool. The most intriguing aspect that WebStorm has in store is it allows you to display your code going live without visiting or refreshing your page. This WebStorm is one of the most preferred live editorial manager compatible for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It conveys module packages prior to importing the Angular script of your project.
2. Tools for Debugging and Testing
Once you’re done with the coding the most prominent aspect that you have to undergo is testing and debugging for offering the last finishing touch to your project. Here are some of the angular development tools that are popular and available handy for testing and debugging.
It is time to yield the fruits of what you sow and you will surely get the bugs for what you code. Here comes into play is the Karma, which is a popular testing tool for Angular development. Using karma, you can run the test in the browser and report them in the CLI (Command Line Interface) offering constant feedback on every test’s done. This testing tool is known to conduct various tests like unit testing, E2E testing, midway testing, etc.
Jasmine is again an open source AngularJs development tool meant for rigorous testing. The most prominent aspect of Jasmine is that it can work on any JavaScript-enabled platform. This tool uses BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) apart from using it for TDD (Test-Driven Development). Your hired Mobile App Development Company in India can also fuse another testing tool, “Karma”, talked about above, with the Jasmine tool for a perfect blend of the duo. Applying these two tools in your Angular development process, your testing and debugging process becomes simpler.
The Protractor is yet another most rigorous and end-to-end testing tools developed by the Angular group. It is also great to run tests against applications running in a real browser offering you a real view of how a user would interact with your app or web solution. Compatible with Jasmine, Mocha, Node.js, and Selenium, the protractor automatically syncs your tests to the respective webpage.
3. Modules for Added Value
You would also require multiple modules to complete a project which is a set of multiple parts of an application, like a filter, directives, factories, services, controllers etc. Here are some of the most popular and effective Angular modules for your next project!
AngularUI syncs Angular with elements of UI sections enabling faster compiling of the app. It facilitates multiple directives like UI-router, UI-calendar, UI-Bootstrap, UI-notification, UI-map, etc. In every sense, the most beneficial in AngularUI is UI-Bootstrap, which can make a bootstrap template locally for different other platforms like Twitter, straight within Angular itself.
The ng-Table directive is meant for enhancing HTML tables by sorting, supporting, and filtering. It offers variable row heights and amazing pagination. In addition, it is also coupled with multiple fresh features and styles incorporated in its database to enhance the class of Angular development.
Above-listed are the most future-ready and widely used Angular tools that are mostly used in every phase of mobile app development services or web development solutions that you can use for your next development project. It is always better to hire a professionally established AngularJs Development Company to kick-start your online business venture.
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