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January 12, 2023 15 Min

Why Laravel Is The Best PHP Framework, Features And Benefits

Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks to build highly scalable, versatile, feature-rich, and functional websites with impressive user interfaces.

Category : Laravel


When you want to develop a web application for your business, the first thing you need to do is to choose the best php framework. 

This is the first stage of the product development phase. I will not beat around the bush. 

If you are planning to develop a business website, just hire a Laravel development company in India

Laravel is one of the most preferred PHP frameworks to build websites worldwide. Laravel is an easy-to-use, developer-friendly, and highly effective PHP framework that has carved a niche for itself in recent years. 

In this blog, we will discuss why you should choose Laravel for your web development project. 

However, first of all, we will know what Laravel is and how it works. 

Stay tuned! 

What is Laravel?

What Is Laravel

Before we discuss Laravel, it is important to discuss what is the framework and how it impacts the website functions. 

In any website development process, developers use frameworks to create applications. A framework is reusable software that offers a specific functionality to developers. This functionality helps to expand the app’s capabilities and performance. 

Frameworks like Laravel help developers to have a ready-made solution that can be used to develop web applications. These frameworks perform tasks such as routing, authentication, caching, sessions, etc. 

Released in 2011, Laravel is an open-source PHP framework that has set a benchmark. It follows a Model View Controller architecture pattern. 

On GitHub, Laravel has collected more than 60,000 stars and it is a benchmark for any PHP framework. Other PHP frameworks such as Symfony and CodeIgniter are way behind in terms of collecting stars. 

Frameworks help developers to create web applications that offer increased development speed, stability, improved security, and easy code maintenance. 

What are the reasons to choose Laravel for web application development?

What Are The Reasons To Choose Laravel For Web Application Development 

Now that you know what Laravel is, we will discuss why you should hire a Laravel framework development company. 

Let’s deep dive without any delay. 

The MVC Architecture Pattern Support 

Laravel supports the MVC Architecture pattern. This is the first reason why developers love Laravel. 

As the name suggests Model represents logic and the View represents presentation from the eyes of the Controller. This architecture pattern offers a great deal of performance improvement possibilities and clear and accurate documentation readability. 

Developers can easily build small as well as large and complex web applications with ease with the MVC pattern. Furthermore, they can also write highly structured code. 

When you are developing a large web application that has massive volumes of code, it is a benefit you cannot ignore. 

In addition to that, the MVC pattern also offers some amazing built-in functions such as an Authentication System, Eloquent ORM (Object Relational Mapping), Database Migration, Pagination, and others. 

Developers can easily get a picture of how a particular web application looks in the real world and can improvise it accordingly. 

Object-oriented Libraries 

The 2nd reason why developers love Laravel is its functional and highly effective syntax. This syntax makes Laravel object-oriented. 

Also, Laravel has more than 20 built-in object-oriented and modular libraries to help developers build highly functional and impressive web applications. 

Furthermore, Laravel has some individual impressive modules that you will not find in any other PHP frameworks such as authentication libraries. 

Developers, with the help of these libraries, can follow the best PHP development practices to create robust, secure, and feature-rich web applications. 

In-built Authentication and Authorization System 

All functionalities related to authentication and authorization are configured in the Laravel framework. Everything is in-built. Developers don’t have to worry about it as the authorization logic is highly structured. 

You can control authorization easily. Furthermore, you can also easily manage access claim requests and unauthorized requests. 

A request from a person who does not have authorization will not be granted when the Laravel framework is in place. It improves security and mitigates security-related glitches. 

The Command Line Interface

CLI (Command Line Interface) programs are very crucial in web application development processes. CLI allows developers to access features and services to do tasks such as programming and maintenance. 

With CLI, developers can easily make robust web applications with increased development speed and performance. 

The Laravel CLI is Artisan. The fun fact is, Artisan is actually a Symfony Console component but is successfully adapted to Laravel to make things easier for Laravel developers. 

Artisan helps developers to perform various tasks such as Database Migration Management, Authentication and Authorization, Package Asset Publishing, Laravel Development Starting, Seeding to add database records, etc. 

Not just that, here, Artisan allows developers to create custom commands that can extend functionalities. You can read more about how to create custom commands on its official website. 

Artisan makes the development process more satisfying, easier, faster, and seamless. It eliminates the need for repetitive coding tasks developers used to do manually. 

Ensure that the Laravel web development company you hire has developers who are well-versed with Artisan. 

Templating Engine 

Generally, templating engines help developers to build various templates for the creation of class-based components. These components, then, can be reused by them during the development process and in the application. 

Laravel has a Blade templating engine that allows developers to use its in-built lightweight templates. 

Templates help to create highly functional and visually appealing interfaces. 

Various programming tasks might sometimes need a template engine to process code in the source templates. Then, it sends the output to a relevant text file or stream. 

In the case of Blade, the relevant .blade.PHP file has a storage location in the resources/views directory. 

Blade compiles templates into plain PHP code to produce views. It also can combine templates and a data model, known as Template Inheritance. 

These features make Blace more impactful and powerful compared to template engines of other frameworks. Developers can come up with extraordinary user interfaces and layouts to lure audiences. 

All you need to do is to hire Laravel developers with relevant experience to have a great web application. 

Superior and Highly Effective ORM and Database Management

Laravel’s Eloquent ORM is the best one among all PHP frameworks. Eloquent is an inbuilt implementation system that offers a wide range of benefits. 

First of all, Eloquent ORM makes app database management less challenging. In addition to that, it also works as an abstract interface that allows database queries execution. 

Eloquent ORM also helps in defining relationships between different entities. Developers can use the syntax to interact with various database objects and relationships. 

The Eloquent ORM works flawlessly with almost all databases such as SQL, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. 

Eloquent ORM also allows developers to use the ActiveRecord implementation feature of Laravel. Moreover, with this ORM, developers can easily modify, share, and manipulate database schema across all databases. 

Also, the documentation of the Eloquent ORM is highly detailed and comprehensive. Developers will be able to use it accurately. 


You need to have all the security measures activated to save a web application from potential security attacks. It is a huge concern and developers need to keep this in mind while developing a web application. 

Thankfully, when it comes to Laravel, you don’t have to worry about security. Some of the security measures of Laravel are user authentication, login and sign-up processes, data encryption, passwords, and route protection. 

Laravel generates a Cross-site request forgery token every time someone requests access. A feature called Hash facade ensures that users create and store strong passwords with the help of the bcrypt hashing algorithm. 

Also, to protect web applications from injection attacks, Laravel used SQL statements that are predefined.

Open-source Framework 

As we have discussed earlier, Laravel is an open-source PHP framework that offers a wide range of benefits. Some of them are discussed here: 

  • You will have full transparency and collaboration. 
  • Developers can get immense support from the Laravel developer community. 
  • The framework is regularly updated with new modules and plugins. 
  • Availability of tutorials for beginners. 
  • You can expect more customization, modifications, and extensions. 

Unit Testing Environment

With Laravel, you can relax when it comes to unit testing as they are not more problematic. The testing feature has various tests that can identify errors and regression. 

In Laravel, Artisan CLI is responsible for unit test execution. In Laravel, PHP Unit is used to perform unit tests. It is PHP’s unit testing package and is highly functional and impactful. 

Furthermore, developers don’t have to rely on third-party plugins and tools when it comes to unit testing. In addition to that, Laravel also allows developers to create their own custom testing methods as per their testing requirements. 

Great Tutorials 

If you are a developer and you face some issues, there is a large set of tutorials to aid you. This is the best thing about Laravel. 

The number of tutorials is increasing with each passing day. So, keep taking benefit of these amazing tutorials.

Easy Third-party Integrations 

Third-party integrations are added to improve the features and functionalities of a website. It is normal for any website. These third-party plugins are payment or marketing-related tools. 

With Laravel, you can easily integrate third-party plugins and tools as it has clean APIs for integration.

Website Maintenance is Easy 

Websites made with the Laravel framework are easy to maintain. Even if you want to add some features after some years, a new developer can easily do that without any hassles. 

All you need to do is to hire Laravel development services and they will easily add new features for you.

Better Website Performance 

Websites made with the Laravel framework always excel when it comes to performance. Laravel supports caching, which, in turn, improves the speed and performance of the website. 

Some other Laravel features such as memory use reduction and database indexing help to improve the site performance. If you are looking for an SEO-friendly website, hire a Laravel application development company.


Laravel is a name to remember if you look for a web application that is robust, feature-rich, versatile, and functional. It is the most obvious choice among developers due to its features and benefits. Furthermore, it is also a cost-effective affair compared to other PHP frameworks. Hire a Laravel development company in India to build secure and scalable web applications that help write your business’s growth story.

Hire Laravel Development Company In India To Build Secure And Scalable Web Applications. Contact Us Now

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World Web Technology is an India and USA-based Web Design, Web Development, and Mobile App Development Company that offers creative and proven web solutions around the globe.


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